
Budapest, Hungary, 1983/84
99 contributions, 18 countries, 6 hours
Editors Péter
Forgács / László Beke
Co-editors Malgorzata Potocka / Peter Hutton / Egon Bunne
Supervisor Rotraut Pape
Production secretary Zoltán Bonta
For us Hungarians the third issue
of Infermental was of particular importance; for the first time the Hungarians,
yes, in general, the eastern European artists took part in a larger number
on a video undertaking of international scale. Naturally, in a land of
middle technological development a video culture could only take place
relative late, and even today we can only list 5-6 names that have access
to video installations on a regular basis. That, finally, Infermental
3 could list among its 100 authors, 22 Hungarians, 5 Polish, 1 Rumanian
and 1 Yugoslavian participant, is due to the principle of the video magazine
which not only concerns itself with video art but also cinematographie
in general (it also informs us about 35, 16 and 8mm films). We should
also not loose track of the fact that the Budapest Béla Balázs
film studio financed and organized the publication, furthermore, that
the idea of Infermental was born in Hungary and that its founder and driving
force was a Budapest film-maker, Gábor Bódy.
(László Beke)