



This tenth edition sets the preliminary finish of a
ten-year history of INFERMENTAL and
the international experimentalfilm workshop, Osnabrück.
INFERMENTAL, born as an idea BETWEEN
Hungary and Poland, is continued after 9 editions from
different cities in the world as an edition BETWEEN two countries:
Yugoslavia and Germany.
Two countries, both in a stage of
Yugoslavia BETWEEN Orient and Occident,
Germany BETWEEN East and West,
Yugoslavia BETWEEN an old and (several?) new states,
Germany BETWEEN two old and one new state.
INFERMENTAL is BETWEEN both countries:
one editor from Germany, one from Yugoslavia.
(Heiko Daxl, May 1991)

“Can you stand this?”

I heard this sentence in one of the tapes.
If art had ever been reasonable, art would never exist.
If reality does not exist, moving images
would never touch us.
For You who is reading this, it might be a very simple,
maybe a reasonable title.
But what does it mean for me HERE? Feeling the difference BETWEEN
all those 6 Billion people THERE
in this, our terra lingua, terra ars, terra full of racism,
disasters, injustice, violence and negations.
But this the world, we are living in.
This artificial world says Thank You for seeing us
and absorbes our true images.
(Evgenija Dimitrieva, May 1991)

The  war on the Balkan 1991/92 tells its own story

but on the other side
another wall
and on the other side
of the other side
another one

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